Monday, August 31, 2009


Issuu allows you to read a wide variety of magazines, reports and documents online. You can also publish your own material. It's visually attractive and there are lots of magazines on a wide range of subjects.


I came across this animated video on the Vimeo site. Vimeo is a video-sharing site for people who create their own videos.

The Forest from David Scharf on Vimeo.

I think this video could be used to great effect in the classroom. The images are beautiful and it has a strong message with ample scope for discussion. You could watch with the sound off and get students to piece the story together. You can also access a version with subtitles here - The Forest

Academic Earth

This great website offers you access to full video courses from some of the world's leading universities.

There are videos on a range of subjects from the poetry of John Milton to Ancient Greek History.

Here's the link - Academic Earth

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Game Classroom

Game Classroom is a collection of educational games to use with young learners.

Great site - Virtual Museum of Iraq

I've had a quick play with the virtual museum of Iraq site - It's visually attractive and interactive and could be used in the classroom.

Wander round the halls, read descriptions of key exhibits and look at short video clips. Students would need quite a high level to get something from the site. You could ask students to explore a different period and then report back or you could set up your own treasure trail.