Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Discipline tips

712educators.about.com has lots of tips about classroom management and discipline.

Top 10 tips for classroom discipline and management

How to handle discipline problems

Top books for discipline

The Dos and Don'ts of Tween Discipline

How to discipline without stress, punishment or rewards

What makes a great teacher?

Have a look at this article from Greatschools.net about what makes a great teacher.

What makes a great teacher?

Learning Difficulties

Greatschools.net offers some useful advice on dealing with children with learning difficulties. There are lots of articles and tips - Greatschools.net

Monday, November 24, 2008

Great Teachers

Here's a link to a video on teachers' TV. Watch Philip Beadle - 2004 Secondary Teacher of the Year - in action.

Teachers' TV

Baruch College

Baruch College offers access to video of some of its Master Teachers series via iTunes (search in iTunesU). Teachers and presenters run workshops offering tips and advice about teaching and learning.

Baruch College
TED stands for technology, entertainment, design. It started as a conference in 1984 that brought people together from these three worlds. The TED conference invites the world's best speakers to give presentations that represent some of the World's most exciting ideas. The only catch is that speakers are limited to 18 minutes for a talk!

The TED website, www.ted.com, gives you free access to over 200 of these talks (you can also subscribe through iTunes).

It may not be about Teaching English but there is plenty to inspire on this great site.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Discipline and YLs

Kaboose is a website aimed at parents but contains some useful info and tips on child development and behaviour.

Have a look at the following articles -

Kids without a conscience

Understand your child's temperament

Stress and teens

Peer Pressure and Grade Schoolers